July 20, 2007

50 vs. The World

Nah, not a new mixtape series, just 50's take on certain things that are in the air, such as:

Lil' Wayne On Every Record There Is Known To Man: "I feel like a whore sleeps with whoever would pay him. [So] we gotta call him a whore. If you'll just go with, whoever, will pay you to be on a record."

Dropping The Same Day As Ye's Graduation: "I hope that they see and understand what’s getting ready to happen. I’m not moving. I’m coming September 11th. If Kanye come that day, then he come that day. That’d be great if he actually stays in that date. I think his people are smart. And he’s smart too. And I think they’ll move… Jay’s not gonna let that happen anyway. He’s not gonna leave him there."

Nah Right has all the audio from last night's HOT 97 interview with Funk Flex.

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